To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question. Whether 'Tis Nobler In The Mind To Suffer!
Well, that’s a bit deep and very Shakespearean, but if you think about it in its most straightforward interpretation, what do we want to be? We start life being molded by the influences around us, whether family, peers, society or especially society!
Sometimes, we have it impressed upon us by well-meaning people to study hard, work hard, get our qualifications, work harder, buy property, get attached, get a family, work even harder, suffer even harder, repeat, and then retire, unless, of course, you shuffle off your mortal coil (even more Hamlet) before then from all that hard work!
So, are there different approaches we can use to learn about life? I remember a close friend of mine encouraging her child to engage in circus workshops and pursue non-academic activities. She’s nuts, I thought. So, the kid isn’t very academic, but it indeed makes sense to keep pushing them academically so they can make something of their life!
Wow, was I such a short-sighted person? As a result of my friend’s foresighted approach, her child, one of my Godchildren, learned structure and discipline while having fun. They are now a highly respected physicist, but that’s irrelevant. They could have become anything because their parents thought outside the box and allowed them to do something they wanted, which gave them arguably the same strong foundation as any tutor or academic could have done, but differently!
So that takes me back to my original point, “To Be Or Not To Be!”
Is it too late to review your life, reinvent yourself, and have the one you desire whilst still being successful?
My simple response to that question is, "Why not?" I changed my country of residence at 45 and my career at 48!
You tell me why it isn’t possible, and I’ll likely help you discount each and every one of those “excuses.” That, after all, is usually what they are! Is it possible that we fail to see possibility because we are determined to remain in our comfort zone, denying ourselves a place where a happier and better existence lives?
Did you ever stop for a moment and ask yourself what you want? Maybe it’s time you did that and looked for possibilities rather than the reasons why you can’t succeed!
To be or not to be: That is the question. You have the answer, but you might need help finding it so call me!
Well, that’s a bit deep and very Shakespearean, but if you think about it in its most straightforward interpretation, what do we want to be? We start life being molded by the influences around us, whether family, peers, society or especially society!
Sometimes, we have it impressed upon us by well-meaning people to study hard, work hard, get our qualifications, work harder, buy property, get attached, get a family, work even harder, suffer even harder, repeat, and then retire, unless, of course, you shuffle off your mortal coil (even more Hamlet) before then from all that hard work!
So, are there different approaches we can use to learn about life? I remember a close friend of mine encouraging her child to engage in circus workshops and pursue non-academic activities. She’s nuts, I thought. So, the kid isn’t very academic, but it indeed makes sense to keep pushing them academically so they can make something of their life!
Wow, was I such a short-sighted person? As a result of my friend’s foresighted approach, her child, one of my Godchildren, learned structure and discipline while having fun. They are now a highly respected physicist, but that’s irrelevant. They could have become anything because their parents thought outside the box and allowed them to do something they wanted, which gave them arguably the same strong foundation as any tutor or academic could have done, but differently!
So that takes me back to my original point, “To Be Or Not To Be!”
Is it too late to review your life, reinvent yourself, and have the one you desire whilst still being successful?
My simple response to that question is, "Why not?" I changed my country of residence at 45 and my career at 48!
You tell me why it isn’t possible, and I’ll likely help you discount each and every one of those “excuses.” That, after all, is usually what they are! Is it possible that we fail to see possibility because we are determined to remain in our comfort zone, denying ourselves a place where a happier and better existence lives?
Did you ever stop for a moment and ask yourself what you want? Maybe it’s time you did that and looked for possibilities rather than the reasons why you can’t succeed!
To be or not to be: That is the question. You have the answer, but you might need help finding it so call me!
To Quit or Not to Quit, that is the Question?
To Leave or Not to Leave, that is the Question? - Is it time to leave your job? Ask yourself these questions — and answer them honestly — to determine whether it's time to make your next career move.
To Quick or Not to Quit, that is the Question?
Is it time to leave your job? Ask yourself these questions — and answer them honestly — to determine whether it's time to make your next career move.
Is there still room to grow? Life is all about possibility. Have you considered reinventing your role to create new opportunities to learn? Try engaging and working with your manager to take on new projects and responsibilities that can reinvigorate your work life.
Have I achieved what I set out to achieve? What is your future vision? Reflect on your goals from when you started the job to see whether you still have something to aspire to there. Ultimately, what is your ultimate intention and vision for yourself.
Am I looking for ways to avoid doing my job? Many of us have an ability to remain focused and just need to power through distractions to get work done. But sometimes, it’s necessary to take a short break to reenergize — Other times, it is necessary to take a permanent break to seek new employment that ignites excitement and empowerment again rather than avoidance and suffering in silence.
Does my role no longer align with my values? If you find yourself doing and saying things in your professional life that you wouldn’t do or say in your personal life, you may be compromising your values. This is a clear sign that it’s time to go.
Has my workplace become toxic? There are so many warning signs that our workplace is, or has become toxic but we sometimes choose to ignore them or simply become so conditions or desensitized, we do not always see what is directly in front of us. Some indications can include an absence of work-life balance, the promotion of unhealthy or toxic competition, and managers or other leaders who don’t value you as a full person. These types of conditions can become harmful to your mental and ultimately physical health.